Sunday, May 6, 2012

woodworking projects free Build Tool Cabinet
woodworking projects free Build Tool Cabinet
Free woodworking plans, ideas, and tips for woodworkers of all skill levels. Huge resource of wood working plans and services for wood workers.

woodworking projects free Build Tool Cabinet
woodworking projects main doors hold thin tools like chisels and screwdrivers

The inside surfaces of the main doors hold thin tools like chisels and screwdrivers. Tools are supported on both sides of the internal doors, behind which is more shelf space.
woodworking projects tablesawn with a box-joint attachment

The case comes together with 1/2 in. finger joints, tablesawn with a box-joint attachment on Zoltowski's dado cutting sled.

woodworking projects layer of plywood inside the back panel

Zoltowski adds a thin layer of plywood inside the back panel, with cutouts to accommodate large flat tools like carpenter's saws and a framing square.

woodworking projects Zoltowski didn't build his tool cabinet

Jan Zoltowski didn't build his tool cabinet until he'd been woodworking for 35 years. The results were clearly worth the wait.

His wall-hung cabinet holds more than 300 hand tools while taking up only about 12 square feet of wall space. The design is an ingenious combination of interior doors and drawers, along with multiple divided storage compartments.

This free dowload includes a measured, annotated drawing of the project, along with Zoltowski's full article about its construction. There's no reason for you to wait 35 years. Click on the link below and get started. Your tools will thank you.

CLICK HERE for the free article download